Tuesday, February 17, 2009

happy birthday to me :)

i have officially been 21 for 1 hour and 29 minutes.
i still have a paper to write for my class tomorrow...
why is it that the only time i blog is when i have to write a paper? i guess that's procrastination at its finest...
so far being 21 doesn't feel any different than being 20, except that i was convinced to shotgun a beer (ew.) in front of my roommate, who is a chaplain and could get me in trouble if i was not 21. yep... i really hate beer. it's gross, even when you're drinking it so ridiculously fast that you can't actually taste it. now i never have to do that again...
the paper that i have to write is actually on a really interesting book that i read for my cultural anthropology class about these people in papua new guinea called the gebusi. it's an ethnography by this guy who went and lived with them from 1980-82 then went back in 98 to see how much they had changed. at first it made me want to go do that, but then i realized that i do not want to be an anthropologist. i don't want to study people, i just want to hang out with them.
ok... i guess i should go ahead and write my paper now. good thing i have some delicious trail mix for brain food.

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