Wednesday, April 15, 2009

God is good.

it's slightly ridiculous how much i absolutely hate writing papers... but i really don't mind writing on here! it's been a while... a really long time. and i guess there have been stories, but it can't really think of any right now. that's sad. but i can say that God has been teaching me lots.
for the last months... actually close to the last year... i've been in what can only be described as a funk. i thought that going abroad would help get me out of it, but it really didn't. it was great, and it provided some temporary excitement, but when i came to my walk with God, it really didn't make a difference. i guess i just really haven't been seeing God moving in my life recently, and that's hard. it's just seemed like i'm stuck in my little christian school bubble, knowing all the right words to say, but not really feeling any of it. and i feel like everyone i've talked to has been in the same place. but last weekend i had easily the most encouraging conversation i've had in over a year, and now i'm not so bitter. i got the chance to hang out with a good friend who i haven't gotten to hang out with in a long time, and we met up with another friend from high school. it was so incredible to hear and see what God has been doing in his life... it made me realize that God really is still at work. i've known that, but i just haven't really been seeing it lately. but i was reminded of what true surrender really means, and that God really is good, even when it seems like He is asking too much of us. it made me hopeful and excited for the future, but also excited for right now. it seems like the theme this week for me has just been about making my time meaningful, no matter where i'm at. only when i truly surrender my life and time and relationships to His purposes will i be able to taste and see His complete goodness :)

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