Wednesday, September 17, 2008


so my view from australia class is officially over. i turned in my ridiculous reader guide and everything, and we've started our second half of the semester, which is a class called indiginous cultures, history, and identity (i think). it's all about the aborigones (haha dana). our teacher is an aborigone woman named oomera. she seems really cool and i'm actually really excited for the class! oomera's not a christian, and on tuesday in our first class she was talking about sortof the basic beliefs about creation and nature that the aborigones have. actually, there are over 600 different aboriginal countries in australia, and they all have a bit different story, but she was telling us about hers. then all of a sudden she was just like "tell me about God. who is He?" seriously, everyone just stared at her for a good 10 seconds before someone finally attempted an answer.
i've been asked to describe God before, but it's always with a bunch of other Christians. i've never thought about how i would describe God to someone who doesn't know Him. how do you explain God? seriously? and how do you explain Jesus and why He came and how He lives in you and the fact that He is God? while people were trying to explain it all to oomera, i realized how it actually does sound kindof ridiculous. i mean, it didn't make me doubt or anything, but i just realized how it just doesn't sound possible. it sounds like another one of those old legends that we hear and say "well that's a nice story. interesting." i just can't explain how i can believe something with my whole heart, and the beauty of it is that it doesn't seem possible! why would God want a relationship with the world so badly that He would die? i guess i was just hit with how great God is. and now i need to figure out how to explain Him... i honestly don't think it's possible though.
and there is the insanely shortened version of what i've been thinking about for the last couple of days.


Lauren said...

wow i love this!! what a great opportunity! i hope she gets saved cuz of yall. I wish i could have been in on a conversation like that

mom said...

Of course she asks that question every semester just to see you(collectivly) squirm...How exactly do you say her name? and can you take her picture? I love you--(and I love that Lauren and Dana are so faithful to comment on your blogs!)

maren said...

these are the moments that define who we are - i've recently realized that the way we see God is the most important thing about us. crazy, but so awesome.

love you!