Sunday, September 19, 2010

1.5 hours

so... it's almost chuseok time. chuseok is like korean thanksgiving, and i'm so excited. mostly because i get 4 days off, plus the weekend. gah! i should be making big plans to explore while the weather's nice and i have the time, but if i'm being honest, i'll probably just spend my days running errands and decorating my apartment (which, actually, i'm really excited about). i am going to hike mt. halla tomorrow though, which will be good. and i'm *hopefully* going to a friend's grandparents' house for a traditional chuseok dinner with lots of traditional korean food! that will be wonderful.
it's funny... before i came (and the first couple weeks i was here), if someone would have told me i would be eating a lot of traditional korean food, i would have acted excited while really cringing on the inside and worrying about starving. but now when i hear that, i get so happy! because people... let me just tell you--this food is SO GOOD. honestly. you all know what a picky eater i used to be (especially when i was young). and you probably know that i hate all things sea food. and you also might know that i'm just not that adventurous when it comes to food... i like the things i like.
so before i came, i had never had korean food in my life. ever. i had no idea what to expect. all i knew was that, being on an island, there would probably be lots of fish. so i honestly *prayed* that i would be able to find something to eat. and God delivered. seriously... i don't know what happened. but i've eaten squid, some sort of tentacles, all kinds of fish, eel, duck... all kinds of stuff. and it's all so good! for real. delicious. koreans know how to cook. it's awesome. i'm sure it's not all delicious and i will find something that i don't like, but for now i'm just enjoying everything i've been eating! and i thank God every time i like something different, because i really think He answered my prayer.
He's so good! i'm seeing that over and over... i could write all the stories, but that would be really long.
maybe i'll write them over the break. that's not a promise... just a maybe.
ok... miss you all.
love you!

1 comment:

mom said...

Thanks for the maybe--hopefully looking forward to the stories....
p.s.I really enjoyed the pics on facebook--from what I could see--looked really pretty there in jeju.
I love you. Mom.