Wednesday, July 21, 2010


as most of you probably know, i am not easily stressed. i just don't worry about things in general. i am more of a *freak out for a minute then get over it and figure out how to make it work* type of person... which i actually really like. but the last few days have been ridiculous. i should actually say, last thursday and then yesterday were ridiculous... the other days in between were just kinda fillers. last thursday i got an email from my recruiter telling me what i need to send for my korean visa. one of those things is my actual passport. now... since i am going to uganda in a week (EEE!), i can't really send off my passport. especially since i still don't have all the other things i need to send with it. and i can't wait til i get back, because i only have a week before i leave again! so... i was a little bit concerned. but after a frantic skype call with my recruiter, i realized that i don't have to send my stuff off to korea... just the korean consulate in san francisco. good to know. i also learned that you can get a duplicate passport for these exact situations.
that leads me to yesterday. i had made an appointment with the passport agency , and i had all this stuff ready that i needed to have in order to get the duplicate. but once i got there, greta (the lady i talked to) told me that i needed "proof of conflict," which means i needed my itinerary for my trip to korea. but i didn't have that yet because i was told not to buy it until i have my visa returned... which requires me to send my passport! so i cried and called my mom (another thing i don't do... cry *not call my mom... i do that like 18 times a day*) then i emailed my travel agent and told her i needed an itinerary and step on it (i said it nicer than that). well... here is where God started showing His goodness left and right!
i went to work and came back to find that the travel agent had sent me an itinerary after only like 3 hours! then i had an email from my recruiter saying my other visa documents were on the way! then i went back to the passport agency today and greta told me everything was perfect and i could come back at 11 to pick up my new passport (as opposed to waiting 3 business days and cutting it ridiculously close like i was first told i would have to)! that's actually where i'm headed next. and just now, while i'm stealing internet from the cherry creek library waiting for my passport... i got another email from pam (travel agent) saying that she found another itinerary for like $500 less!
so this has been a good morning... praise God!!

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