Saturday, December 25, 2010


yesterday was a white Christmas. today is snowy and cold again. it's the perfect day to cozy up and be with people... which is exactly what i'm going to do.
even though i still have to plan for my winter camps (because i didn't take advantage of all my free time at work these last couple of weeks), i just have a sense of peace right now.

i still miss home. i still question everything. i'm still not sure how i'll feel tomorrow or in the next hour. but i'm okay. i know that God's in control, and He loves me, and He's here with me and home with the people i love.

and that brings me peace and joy beyond anything i can understand.

it is good :)

i failed at taking pictures yesterday, but i have a few plus lots from the last week or so... those will come soon.

i hope that you feel blessed and joyful today and in this season... i love you and i praise God for you every day!

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