Sunday, January 10, 2010

He still is...

this is another post about how good God is. because... well... He is. recently i've been doing this thing where i remember God in the little things. i praise Him for the simplest blessings in life, and i praise Him for the things He does even in the hard times. i've found that it really does make it so much easier to have joy!
today was a little weird.
first i realized that i lost a check that i got for babysitting last night. it was really out of my own foolishness and just not paying attention. last night on my way home from the people's house, my car was acting weird so i pulled over into a gas station. i called my dad, and he told me to buy some stuff for the engine. well, while i was on the phone with him worrying about getting home, i must have knocked the check out of my purse when i got my wallet. really, i can live without the money (not that it doesn't come in handy, but i never really had it to begin with, so i didn't really miss it.). i just didn't want to have to tell the people whose children i am supposed to take care of that i did something so irresponsible. well, i called the gas station tonight knowing it was a long shot, but they have my check! the guy there last night found it after i left and kept it there! seriously... praise God for that. it could have been found by someone who would try to cash it, or it could have just been lost. but instead, a very nice man happened to find it and keep it for me. so good!
and on a more sober note... today i found out that my grandma is not doing well. she was diagnosed with ALS a while ago, which is pretty crappy. really crappy, actually. and today she really took a turn for the worst. my mom told me that she might not make it through the week. it is the weirdest thing ever knowing that. and it's scary. and it's sad. i don't really want to write it all down here... mainly because i don't really know what to say. but all i can say is that, even though this is hard and sucks, i have hope because i know that God has everything in His hands. and she loves Him, and she will be with Him, and He will be glorified somehow in all of this.
but please, if you think about it, keep her and my family in your prayers.
and remember who God is...

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