Sunday, January 17, 2010


my grandma died last night. thank you to everyone who was praying for her and my family. seriously... you have no idea how much it means to me. it is very sad, but she died peacefully and she is no longer suffering. that is good.
it's funny how much i've learned about my family and myself this week. i've realized just why i am the way i am when it comes to dealing with tragedy. honestly, it's funny. i never really thought about it, but i am completely a product of my family, especially when it comes to this.
it really hasn't been as hard for me as it seems like it should. yes, it has been hard and frustrating and it's raised a lot of questions, but i don't feel as affected as i feel like i should. i do love my grandma... i really do. and i really will miss her, and i'm not at all happy about her being gone. but i think it's because i know where she is. i know that she is exactly where she has wanted to be since she found out about her als, and that makes me happy for her. she's no longer in pain, and she no longer has to worry about all of her family taking care of her.
i don't know how i would ever get through anything if i didn't have God. seriously... how do people do it? i just get all my comfort and my joy from Him. i just can't imagine any other way to truly get comfort in a situation like this. it is because i know that He is good and that He is in control and that she is with Him that i can be so okay with this.
the funeral, which is actually a memorial service because she donated her body to science (sweet, right?) is not until february. 2 days after my birthday. i think that's weird, but it's because that's when my out-of-town relatives can come. but i'm going to try to learn a song on the piano before then. i think she would like that :) so in the meantime, we're going to golden corral to get my grandma's favorite... breakfast. haha!

on a completely unrelated note... i'm slightly obsessed with the tudors. i think it's so good! anyways, in the show they always send messages and they seal them with wax. i think that is awesome... so i bought sealing wax. and a seal. and then i decided i need some sweet paper because it seems wrong to seal boring old lined paper with sealing wax, so i'm getting that when i get back to school. and then i will send letters galore. so for those of you who might be expecting a letter already and haven't gotten it yet... that is why. i've been getting my supplies.
i feel cooler than usual.


Dana Marie said...

Kailey, so sorry to hear about your Grandma, but share in your family's joy that she's in a better place now - now she can laugh at our adventures from heaven. I remember her doing that, her and your Grandpa.

I may have told Bella you're sending her a letter, and it'd be sealed in wax. she understands none of it but I'm pretty sure she's excited. YOU'RE WELCOME! love you kailey shae!

Lauren said...

I'm so sorry about your grandma:( I'm glad you have such a positive outlook on it! In other news: I love sealed letters;) and where does one buy sealing wax?

mom said...

I also like letters sealed in sealing wax as demonstrated on The tudors.......

Emilia said...

1.) I'm so sorry to hear about your Grandma, my dear. But, as everyone's pretty much already pointed out, you (& your family) are amazing in that you all always find the silver lining. I love that in you.

2.) Send me a letter, yo! 60 East College Street, Room 105/Hillsdale, MI 49242

3.) I was going to comment on your "praise" post, but then I saw this one! Anyway, the point you made about living your life with and in praise is 100% true, and you put it in such awesome terms. Our lives are seriously SO GOOD and AMAZING when you turn things around and seek the good. It always works out.

4.) Needtobreathe = So good!

5.) I miss you and I love you!!